Sunday, May 15, 2011

Income generated for special events

  While the majority of income is generated from practice time, special meets and events can generate large amounts of income for swimming. The following table details the number of athletes, length of stay, daily rate for competing, and the total amount earned for the categories of swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, and water polo. While no event comes close to the $720,000 raised at swimming junior nationals, it can be seen that these competitions make huge amounts of money for the sport. These events are usually held in cities across the country, therefore requiring the competitiors to travel. This makes them have to spend money on food, lodging, etc from local businesses in that city. This then brings in money from cities all ocross the country to the local businesses in order to stimulate the economy by bringing in outside money other than that already present in the community. This encourages the economy to be nationwide and move across borders.

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